
Current research overview:

In simple words, the main focus of our current research is exploring the fundamental physics and building unique technological solutions using natural and artificial two dimensional materials such as graphene, MoS2 and metasurfaces. Such materials display many unconventional optical properties which are not found in usual three dimensional materials. We are interested in applications of our work in energy harvesting, sensing, sub-wavelength imaging and optical circuitry.

For the theoretical part of our work, we use a combination of 1) first principle calculations via density functional theory and 2) classical and quantum electrodynamic calculations via numerous open source and some in house developed semi-analytical codes. For the experimental aspects, we mostly use optoelectronic characterization facilities (in-house and central facilities) and lithography central facility at IIT Bombay.

During the past few years, we have also expanded beyond optoelectronics and have been involved in two acoustics projects: 1) Rayleigh waves interacting with discrete contact resonances; 2) non-local effective medium theory for acoustic metamaterials.

This page has not been updated. Latest information about our current work can be found in our publications.